5/25 二水会部、紅葉会部のお知らせ

2023年5月9日 - 二水会, 紅葉会

日時:5月25(木)午後2時より 13:30より入場可

演題:Katsura Sunshine: Rakugo Around the World


参加費:JA会員 £6

    JA会員と家族 £10  (3名以上は一人につき£4 )

    非会員 £8

    非会員と家族 £14  (3名以上は一人につき £6 )



会場:Farm Street Church

                              114 Mount Street

                              London W1K 3AH    

            最寄駅  Bond Street / Green Park

                              Connaught Hotelの南側 


*今回はBring and Buy、お食事の時間はございませんのでご了承ください。


Katsura Sunshine is now in his 4th year performing Rakugo on Broadway, and in his 2nd year in London’s West End.  In this talk he will perform one of his favourite stories, talk about his experiences performing in different countries, and also take questions from the audience!



  Katsura Sunshine was born in Toronto Canada and holds Slovenian citizenship as well as Canadian. In 2008 he became the 15th apprentice to the great Rakugo Master Katsura Bunshi VI, from whom he received the name Katsura Sunshine.

  Sunshine was the first ever Western Rakugo-ka in the Kamigata tradition (Osaka / Kyoto) and only the second in Japanese history, after his predecessor Kairakute Burakku a hundred years before. Sunshine has toured over 5 continents performing in 3 languages (Japanese, English and French).

  Sunshine was appointed Cultural Ambassador for Canada and Japan, and Friendship Ambassador for Slovenia and Japan.  He was MC and host for the opening reception of the G-20 Summit in Osaka in 2019.

  Sunshine divides his time between Tokyo, New York, and London.






問い合わせ     koyokai@japan-association.local     電話    07907415922
